
Friday, April 18, 2014

Farm Fresh Pastels!

Back again!

Did you figure out from my card yesterday that today's Farm Fresh Friday challenge @The Greeting Farm is Pastels???   I started coloring that Birthday Anya... but she ended up being a little too dark for the pastel theme so I scratched that idea and went with some paper piecing instead!  (working hard on those scraps I tell ya!)

I decided to go with Dollie w/Bow and found this cute pinkish/purply plaid paper in my stash I thought would look cute as a spring dress. I also added her pup hiding behind her leg! :)
Pastel FFF 4.18

I popped up her bow and pockets to add some extra dimension too.
pastel up close

& for those of you interested here are the copics I used:
hair: E25, E27, E29
skin: E000, E00, E21, R01 (E35, E37 for her eyes)
pup: E34, E35, E37
grass: YG91, YG95, YG97

Have a FABULOUS weekend- hope you squeeze in some crafty time! :)

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving me some blog ♥!