
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Crazy for Cupcakes!

So it's pretty well known that I have a sweet tooth... (who doesn't?!) & I've been craving some cupcakes and cookies lately- may have to remedy that soon with some baking this weekend!

But in the mean time I made this card using Birthday Anya II because who wouldn't want this ginormous-sized cupcake? I colored this image with the intentions that I would use her for tomorrow's Farm Fresh Friday challenge, but changed my mind at the last minute... any guesses on what the challenge might be?

Crazy for Cupcakes

I'm trying really hard at getting better at using my scrap paper.. I'm a hoarder- I feel guilty tossing a piece of paper if I think I might use it later! LOL!  But I've been working on it... I'm in the middle of transforming what used to be our half office/half craft room to a 100% craft room :-D! Lots of organizing is going on and I can now actually SEE what I have to use it! Anyone have fun organizing tips to share?

Until tomorrow!


  1. Adorable!! Love how the cupcakes on the paper coordinate with the little character!!!

  2. AWE this is very Beautiful!! I love her!! What colors did you color her hair with??

    1. Hi Heidi! (I didn't see an email to respond directly- so I hope you see this!) :) I used E44, E47, & E49 for her hair. Thanks for stopping by! :)


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