
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Happy Birthday...

to my sister!! Today is one (I have 3) of my sister's birthday!

I wanted to give her the card before I posted it here, and we just got back from dinner not too long ago! I used this new (stinkin' cute) digi image from Pink Cat Studio. I love to bake and my sister enjoys cooking- so I thought this image was just perfect for her :)
PCS Bitty Betty
Itty Bitty Betty
- Itty Bitty Betty Baked a Pie (Pink Cat Studio)
- Tools: Labels 3 nestabilities, Loop border punch (Martha Stewart)
- Copic Markers
- Patterned Paper (My Mind's Eye- Pretty Please)
- Other: buttons, ribbon, string, gems

Happy Birthday Sis- I Luv Ya!

Thanks for stopping in!


  1. This is so cute Lysa! what a sweet card! Big congrats on your win at Caardvarks for your ribbon card!!

  2. Perfect card for your sister! Hope she had a very Happy Birthday!

    My added congrats for your fabulous card at Caardvarks! Love how you did the ribbon trim!

  3. Oh my gosh, too too cute Lysa! That pie and the little girl is adorable! Yum, you're making me crave food already!!

  4. Super adorable card for your sister, Lysa! So sweet and the coloring is perfect! Happy Belated Birthday for your sister!

  5. This is sooooo ADORABLE!!! love it! Happy Birthday to your sister!

  6. that is so adorable!! i have 3 sisters too! ;)

  7. Oh my gosh so so adorable and love your coloring!! :)


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